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Our Approach

Monitoring disinformation as it happens

Today we are inundated with information. And it is not always easy to know what is correct or incorrect information. Common and dangerously misleading information is analyzed and verified by fact-checkers, but the overload of fake messages makes it impossible to rely on fact-checking alone.

If we want to combat disinformation, we must also focus on media literacy: the ability to access, evaluate, analyze, create, and act on the basis of all forms of media and communication.

That is why EDMO BELUX wants to support media literacy practitioners (teachers, youth workers, librarians, …) to strengthen media literacy in their own practice.

To these ends, EDMO BELUX:

  • has created a fact-checking toolkit: ​​a series of instructional videos providing an overview of some fundamental fact-checking techniques. In today’s online world, it’s essential after all that everyone knows how to investigate the authenticity of images, video and social media posts.
  • has collected and analyzed existing educational and training materials in Belgium and Luxembourg. The most promising practices are shared on this website.
  • is organizing various local and international training events.
  • will implement media literacy campaigns with the aims to strengthen the public’s reflexes to disinformation.