News in the classroom – training event for teachers
On 13 October 2022, 130 teachers and other educators gathered in Brussels for the EDMO BELUX training event: the News in the Classroom-day.
News in the Classroom is a long-term project that aims to familiarise youngsters with news, facts and opinions in an educational context. Three new educational packages full of lesson ideas were presented at this study day: Newsmakers, Fact Checkers and Opinion Makers. In addition, participants gained new insights and were able to practise teaching methodologies in several hands-on workshops.
On the programme, among others:
- A panel discussion “How can we arm young people against disinformation?” with EDMO BELUX coordinator Trisha Meyer (VUB), journalist Hind Fraihi (Apache), school director Kristien Bruggeman (Lab Gedreven Onderwijs) and chairman of the Flemish Youth Council, Amir Bachrouri.
- Lectures on
- Young news avoiders
- The role of AI in the fight against disinformation
- The rise of deepfakes
- News for youth
- Workshops on
- Fact checking for beginners
- Speaking with conspiracy thinkers in the classroom
- School-wide engagement on (dis)information
- Learning to debate
Here you can find more information on the News in the Classroom project, as well as the teachers’ manuals (Dutch only, for now).