
Posts falsely claim supplements can reverse memory loss - Featured image

03 Jan: Posts falsely claim supplements can reverse memory loss

“Learn how to protect yourself against Alzheimer’s and reverse other memory loss diseases — literally overnight – By doing nothing but this simple method that can be used by anyone!” says a blog post shared November 4, 2022 on Facebook. “This 100% natural solution, which reverses memory loss, has stunned doctors & got the attention of over 170,491 people to transform their lives.”


22 Dec: Discover the first research results of EDMO BELUX: Executive summaries are out!

After one year of research and a first scientific workshop (in October 2022)EDMO BELUX is pleased to release the executive summaries of the first wave of scientific reports. As not all the reports are publicly available at this stage, the four executive summaries allow researchers, experts, journalists, media educators and citizens alike to have a quick glance at what the EDMO BELUX researchers have been doing so far on the research side