Adviesraad Luc Caregari Vice-President Association luxembourgeoise des journalistes professionnels (ALJP) Anne-Sophie Collard Professor in communication and media studies University of Namur – Namur Digital Institute Vincent Couronne Director of Les Surligneurs, Treasurer of the EFCSN Les Surligneurs / European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN) Pierre Fastrez FNRS Senior Research Associate and Professor Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) Gaëtan Gras Lecturer at IHECS & Freelance Journalist / Trainer IHECS Sascha Helsper Head of the MEDIACentre University of Luxembourg Didace Kalisa Director Agence Nationale pour l’Information des Jeunes – ANIJ a.s.b.l. Guillaume Kuster CEO and Co-Founder Check First Grégoire Lits Co-director of the UCLouvain Observatory for Research on Media and journalism (ORM) UCLouvain (ORM) Stéphanie Lukasik Researcher University of Luxembourg Romain Schroeder Coordinator of the Educational Department Zentrum fir politesch Bildung (Centre for Citizenship Education) Noemi Trino Scientific Collaborator Institute for European Studies, Université libre de Bruxelles. Rachel Winny Technical Director Centre of Information Resilience Leden van het consortium Trisha Meyer Project Co-Lead / Professor in Digital Governance and Participation Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Centre on Digitalisation, Democracy and Innovation Geoffroy Patriarche Project Co-Lead / Professor UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles Basak Van Hove WP1 Lead / Project Coordinator Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Centre for Digitalisation, Democracy, and Innovation of the Brussels School of Governance Victor Wiard WP2 Lead / Postdoctoral Researcher Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, Engage - Research Center for Publicness in Contemporary Communication Jocelyne Zablit WP3 Lead / Project Manager AFP Valentine François WP4 lead/ European Projects Coordinator Media Animation Inès Gentil WP5 Lead / Project Officer EU DisinfoLab Ferruccio Barazzutti WP6 Lead / Project Manager Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Centre for Digitalisation, Democracy, and Innovation of the Brussels School of Governance Nadia Tjahja WP6 lead/Project Coordinator Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Centre for Digitalisation, Democracy, and Innovation of the Brussels School of Governance