Advisory Board

Luc Caregari
Vice-President, Association luxembourgeoise des journalistes professionnels (ALJP)
Investigative journalist at, an independent online media from Luxembourg. Member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), frequent partner of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP). Trained journalist with a Professional Master Degree from the Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3.
Expertise: Russian influence in Luxembourg, Far right politics, Investigation, Disinformation

Anne-Sophie Collard
Professor in communication and media studies, University of Namur – Namur Digital Institute
Anne-Sophie Collard is professor in communication and media studies at the University of Namur, director of the Digital Media and Communication Unit (Research Center in Information, Law and Society / Namur Digital Institute) and co-president of the Research Chair in Digital Education (Educ0Num). Her researches are focused on digital and media literacies, critical technology education and collaborative practices in digital work environments. In particular, she develops interdisciplinary research with societal impact.
Expertise: Media literacy, Digital education, Critical technology education, Design-based research

Vincent Couronne
Director of Les Surligneurs, Treasurer of the EFCSN, Les Surligneurs / European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN)
In 2017, Vincent Couronne co-founded Les Surligneurs, a legal-checking media outlet operating in France and in Belgium. He has a Ph.D in European Law from Sorbonne Law School and teaches law at Sciences Po Saint-Germain. In 2022, he was elected member of the Governance Body of the newly created European Fact-Checking Standards Network and was appointed Treasurer. Vincent Couronne is also a fellow researcher at Versailles Institutions Publiques research center.
Expertise: Law, Fact-checking, EU, DSA, EFCSN

Pierre Fastrez
FNRS Senior Research Associate and Professor, Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)
Pierre Fastrez is a Senior Research Associate of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research and a Professor in Information and Communication at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium). His main research interest is the definition of media literacy and the assessment of media literacy competence. He leads research projects combining experimental-evaluative and qualitative-interpretive approaches. He directs the research journal “Recherches en Communication” and recently co-edited “Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook” (Routledge). He is a member of the Higher Council for Media Education in French-speaking Belgium.
Expertise: media literacy, digital literacy, digital media competence assessment

Gaëtan Gras
Lecturer at IHECS & Freelance Journalist / Trainer, IHECS
Gaëtan Gras is a journalism teacher at the Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales (IHECS) where he is, among other things, responsible for the investigation and digital investigation courses (OSINT, datajournalism, fact-checking and AI). At the same time, he works as a freelance investigative journalist, gives regular training in the field of journalism (IHECS Academy, RTBF Academy, AJP, etc.), and is a member of the Agence Alter board. Prior to that, Gaëtan Gras worked for ten years for a number of media (La Libre, Belga, Metro, BX1).
Expertise: (Data)Journalism, Open Source Intelligence Techniques (OSINT), Fact-checking, Collaborative journalism, News monitoring.

Sascha Helsper
Head of the MEDIACentre, University of Luxembourg
Having graduated in Media Studies with a specialization in documentary film at the University of Siegen, I embarked on my career in the media sector in Luxembourg. Initially working as a freelance filmmaker, I eventually advanced to the role of Head of Operations at a multilingual TV channel. I then transitioned back to academia at the University of Luxembourg, where I manage the MEDIACentre. In this role, I lead a team that produces a variety of audiovisual projects, including e-learning materials and storytelling initiatives. Additionally, I co-teach courses that explore various aspects of journalism, the media world and maintain connections with external media stakeholders in Luxembourg. My overarching passion lies in bridging the gap between media practice and media studies, promoting transdisciplinary approaches within academia.
Expertise: Documentary film theory and history, Media studies, Multilingual environments

Didace Kalisa
Director, Agence Nationale pour l’Information des Jeunes – ANIJ a.s.b.l.
Didace Kalisa holds a Degree in Education Sciences and serves as Executive Manager at ANIJ. Previously, he had been serving as a Youth Information Worker at the former Youth Information Center (CIJ) for several years. Didace Kalisa is a member of the National Working Group “Youth Dialogue” (collaboration with other youth organizations and the Ministry of Education, Children, and Youth in Luxembourg) and of the ERYICA Governing Board, where he is responsible for Human Resources. He is regularly participating in the working groups of the French-speaking member countries of ERYICA: contribution to the Liaison Manual (toolkit for the prevention of youth violent extremism through youth information, 2017); participation in the preparation and implementation of the MedYIA training course on media literacy (2022 in Eupen); participation in the Working Group on Inclusion (2024).
Expertise: Youth information, prevention of youth violent extremism, media literacy, inclusion

Guillaume Kuster
CEO and Co-Founder, Check First
Guillaume Kuster is CEO and co-founder of Check First. He specialises in the study of the spread of disinformation and FIMI through algorithmic recommendations on major platforms. Prior, Guillaume was a journalist for nearly 20 years public service media in France.
Expertise: Algorithmic recommender systems, OSINT, FIMI & Disinformation monitoring, Journalism

Grégoire Lits
Co-director of the UCLouvain Observatory for Research on Media and journalism (ORM), UCLouvain (ORM)
Grégoire Lits is Assistant Professor of sociology at the Institute for Language and Communication and also Co-Director of the Research Observatory on Media and Journalism at UCLouvain. His research focuses on the circulation of information in society and public spaces. His most recent publications centre on the psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated ‘infodemic’. He is co-coordinator of the Innoviris funded project PANDORX that analyses the circulation of health information in Brussels during the Covid-19 crisis (
Expertise: Sociology, Disinformation, Science Society Interface, Public Sphere, Social Problems

Stéphanie Lukasik
Researcher, University of Luxembourg
Dr. Stephanie Lukasik, a doctor and lecturer in information and communication sciences, coordinates the Medialux project at the University of Luxembourg and co-directs Luxembourg’s Media Pluralism Monitor. Since 2024, she has been an elected expert on the Council of Europe’s committee of experts on online security and the empowerment of content creators and users (MSI-eSEC).
Expertise: Disinformation ; journalism, information ecosystem, social networks, users.

Romain Schroeder
Coordinator of the Educational Department, Zentrum fir politesch Bildung (Centre for Citizenship Education)
Romain Schroeder studied History and French, successfully completing his teacher training. He spent several years working in humanitarian and development aid at Caritas Luxembourg, followed by long-term roles as a teacher and at the National Archives. Since 2017, he has been with the Luxembourg Centre for Citizenship Education, where he leads the Educational Department and develops initiatives focused on combating disinformation, intended to engage both adults and young people. He also occasionally delivers speeches on the topic, moderates roundtable discussions, and has a sound knowledge of the network working on this issue in Luxembourg.
Expertise: Combating disinformation, Digital media literacy training, Digitization & public discourse, Democratic power shifts, Citizenship educational initiatives

Noemi Trino
Scientific Collaborator, Institute for European Studies, Université libre de Bruxelles.
Noemi Trino is a Scientific Collaborator at the Institute for European Studies of the ULB, in Brussels. She holds a PhD from Luiss ‘Guido Carli’ University, Rome, where she coordinated the local team of the H2020 project Social Observatory for Disinformation and Social Media Analysis (SOMA). She currently serves as an expert and evaluator for the European Commission on the topics of Digital Democracy and Disinformation.
Expertise: public opinion and political behaviour in Europe; political trust; disinformation and politics; platforms and data policies.

Rachel Winny
Technical Director, Centre of Information Resilience
Rachel Winny is Technical Director at the Centre for Information Resilience, where she serves as a senior technical expert specialising in ethical standards for open-source investigations and responses to information disorder, as well organisational lead for conflict and gender sensitivity and safeguarding. She is an accredited conflict specialist and has led policy and programme delivery in fragile and conflict affected states for the UK and other allied Governments, focusing on conflict analysis and conflict-sensitive responses, as well as issues related to violent extremism and terrorism.
Expertise: Open-source ethics, gender, conflict, information disorder
Management Team

Trisha Meyer
Professor in Digital Governance and Participation, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Centre on Digitalisation, Democracy and Innovation
Trisha Meyer is Assistant Professor in Digital Governance and Participation at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Professorial Fellow at United Nations University CRIS in Bruges. Trisha leads the Research Centre on Digitalisation, Democracy and Innovation at VUB Brussels School of Governance. Trisha researches the regulatory push toward and societal consequences of tech platforms taking proactive (and automated) measures to moderate content. A second closely related research strand pertains to stakeholder engagement and participatory governance in digital policy. She co-authored a study on use of AI to tackle disinformation for the European Parliament (2019) and a study mapping global responses to disinformation for UNESCO/ITU (2020). Trisha is the principal investigator of the EDMO BELUX project.
Expertise: Digital Policy, Platform Responsibility, Freedom Of Expression, Artificial Intelligence

Geoffroy Patriarche
Full professor, UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles Engage – Research Center for Publicness in Contemporary Communication
Geoffroy Patriarche is co-head of a Master programme in Communication Strategy and Digital Culture (co-organised by UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles and ISFSC) and co-head of Engage – Research Center for Publicness in Contemporary Communication. His current research interests lie at the intersection of audience studies, discourse studies and misinformation studies. Within EDMO BELUX 2.0, Geoffroy serves as co-lead of the project management and contributes to the activities of WP2 (community-building), WP5 (research) and WP6 (communication).
Expertise: Audiences, discourse, misinformation, reception studies, user studies

Basak Van Hove
Project Coordinator, Centre for Digitalisation, Democracy, and Innovation of the Brussels School of Governance at VUB
She has extensive experience in project cycle management, event management, and EU-funded projects and tenders coordination. Basak’s expertise extends to developing grant applications for European and global funds.
She previously worked for CEPS as a Project Officer, coordinating project and tender proposals, and preparing narrative and financial reports for EU institutions. Moreover, she coordinated communications with partners, funding agencies, external experts, and stakeholders, as well as organized workshops, symposiums, and conferences for high-level policymakers. Furthermore, she has evaluated grant applications and project reports for EU-funded projects in Belgium as an independent external assessor. She holds a Ph.D. in European Studies specializing in human rights and civil society organizations in the EU.
Expertise: Project Management, Human rights, CSOs

Victor Wiard
Postdoctoral Researcher, UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles, Engage – Research Center for Publicness in Contemporary Communication
Victor Wiard is Postdoctoral Researcher in media and communication studies. He completed a doctoral thesis (ULB/VUB) on the production and circulation of local news in Brussels. His research interests include news production and reception online and on social media platforms. He has been involved in multiple research projects, including MEDIA CLUSTERS BRUSSELS and ALG-OPINION, which studied the influence of algorithms and interfaces on opinion formation. Within EDMO BELUX 2.0, Victor leads WP2 (community-building) and contributes to the activities of WP1 (project management), WP5 (research) and WP6 (communication).
Expertise: Social Media; Digital Media; News Reception; Algorithms; Qualitative Research

Jocelyne Zablit
Project Manager, AFP
Jocelyne Zablit is an AFP journalist with more than three decades of professional experience. She is currently leading several projects in Europe focused on factchecking and disinformation. She has managed several AFP bureaus during her career at AFP. Her most recent posting was as Bureau Chief for the US West Coast based in Los Angeles. Prior to that, she was Head of the AFP English Europe/Africa Desk, AFP Bureau Chief in Beirut and European Affairs Correspondent then Lifestyle Editor in Washington.

Inès Gentil
Project Officer, EU DisinfoLab
Inès is a Project Officer at the EU DisinfoLab working on EU-funded projects, such as EDMO BELUX 2.0, focused on tackling sophisticated disinformation/FIMI campaigns targeting the EU and its Member States. She previously interned at the United Nations Democracy Fund, the French Ministry of Defence and in the Public Diplomacy section of the U.S. Embassy in Paris. She also worked for a consultancy agency in London specialised in strategic communications and public affairs. Inès Gentil holds a B.A. from McGill University and a Dual Master’s Degree from LUISS University in Roma and King’s College London.
Expertise: Disinformation, Project Management, Public Diplomacy, Information Warfare, Political Communication, Discourse Analysis

Ferruccio Barazzutti
Project Manager, Centre for Digitalisation, Democracy, and Innovation of the Brussels School of Governance
With a diverse background spanning multiple disciplines, he holds a Master’s degree in International Development and a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, International Studies, and Economics. Before joining the Brussels School of Governance, Ferruccio contributed his expertise to the European Commission, overseeing cooperation initiatives supporting civil society organizations and local authorities. He has over 5 years experience in project management, policy analysis, and data management in international development agencies and the humanitarian sector.
Expertise: Project Management, Human rights, CSOs, Communication, Data Science, Humanitarian Action

Valentine François
European Projects Coordinator
Valentine François is the coordinator of European projects at Media Animation. Holding a Master’s degree in Information and Communication with a focus on Journalism, Valentine is passionate about fostering critical thinking and media literacy. Her experience includes teaching media didactics to future teachers at Haute école Léonard de Vinci and designing media literacy tools, including several focused on critical information education, with Action Médias Jeunes and CRéSaM (Centre de Référence en Santé Mentale).

Nadia Tjahja
Communications Manager, Centre for Digitalisation, Democracy, and Innovation of the Brussels School of Governance
Nadia Tjahja is a researcher at the Research Centre on Digitalisation, Democracy and Innovation at the VUB Brussels School of Governance. Within EDMO BELUX 2.0, Nadia serves as the lead of WP6.
Expertise: Internet governance, digital policies, youth participation, media literacy, thematic analysis,political and organisational communications, project management.”