On Thursday 28 September, 25 people joined “Round table on media education: Educational tools to tackle disinformation – What future with AI?” a media education event at the RTL premises in Luxembourg, organised as part of the EDMO BELUX project.
The morning began with a session to present the range of media education tools designed as part of the EDMO project. The rest of the morning tackled the question of artificial intelligence, a subject that has become essential on the issues of disinformation.
The supporting materials (in French) that include all the session contents can be obtained on request from m.culot[at]media-animation.be.
The programme of the event proceeded as follows:
First plenary session
(in French)
The tools selected as part of the EDMO project: What are the best media education tools to tackle disinformation? The EDMO project has retained a toolbox in this area. How were these tools selected and how to classify them? This session presented and discussed the tools selected as part of the EDMO project.
- Martin Culot (Animated Media)
Second plenary session
(in French)
Cultivating critical and creative minds: Rethinking media and information literacy in the age of AI. In an era in which AI systems are constantly evolving, it is imperative to expand our understanding of “media and information literacy” education, its goals and practices. Most importantly, we must challenge the epistemological foundations of our understanding of knowledge to equip young people with the skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the information landscape and to become creative, informed, and responsible actors.
- Robert Reuter (University of Luxembourg)
Round table
(in English)
Is the future of disinformation closely linked to artificial intelligence (ChatGTP, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion and other deepfake…)? If this is the case, how should media education respond? Examples and discussion.
- Robert Reuter (University of Luxembourg)
- Daniela Hau (Script)
- Debora Plein (Bee Secure)
Closing remarks
(in French)
- Martin Culot (Animated Media)
This event was organised in the premises of RTL-Luxembourg, as part of the EDMO BELUX project – on the initiative of Média Animation asbl in partnership with ALIA, Script and the University of Luxembourg.