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Collection Repère (CSEM) – thwarting the pitfalls of misinformation

To deal with the complex problem of misinformation, the CSEM offers concrete ways to support young people in their use of social networks and develop their critical thinking. This tool is aimed at families as well as education and activity professionals.

This is a popularization booklet for adults on issues of misinformation. The following questions are addressed:

  • Understanding the challenges of misinformation
  • The complexity of the phenomenon Why is fake news contagious?
  • How to approach this phenomenon at home?
  • How to approach this phenomenon at school?
  • Small dictionary of truncated info

What is covered :

This is to popularize the issues of misinformation to the general public. Being aware of it allows us to situate the position of media education in the face of this phenomenon.

How to use it :

From the available entries: school, home and resources, the educator, animator or citizen can learn about the major issues and resources on the issue.

What you need :

The brochure is available on the website of the Higher Council for Media Education.