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Decodex – A guide to help you see more clearly in information on the Internet

Learning about disinformation and fact checking Manual Youngsters (13-18 years)

This is an active approach to information education, which the french media “Le Monde” wishes to bring to its readers, but also in the classroom, through interventions in consultation with teachers, as well as as the provision of educational content for all. This is a manual that covers the basics of the notion of sources, infox and conspiracy theories. The file offers examples and scenarios on the notion of information and infox.

What is covered : 

  • The following different aspects are covered:
  • What is information?
  • What is an information source?
  • Check a rumor circulating on social networks How do I check an image or video?
  • How to recognize a conspiracy theory?
  • How to read a survey?
  • Exercises and corrections For each part, the file offers examples and illustrations.

How to use it :

The teacher or facilitator chooses the elements he wishes to work on in class. He will probably have to adapt and update the examples.

What you need :

The file can be downloaded at this address. Time should also be set aside to select current examples that engage the public.