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[Lie Detectors] Visits in the Classroom


Media literacy organisation Lie Detectors offers journalist-led classroom workshops for all schools and subjects, for pupils aged 10-11 and 14-15.  

Professional journalists trained with Lie Detectors’ award-winning pedagogical approach deliver 90-minute interactive workshops to address issues of disinformation, polarisation and complex media landscapes, and hand over basic fact-checking and mindfulness tools.  Teachers observe these workshops and receive follow-up materials on demand. 

The format’s age-appropriate and politically neutral games and tools as well as the facilitators’ expert and honest insight into newsgathering gain consistently positive feedback from children and teachers. By prioritising accessibility, transversal applicability, inquiry-led formatting and external expertise, workshops are in line with EU and expert recommendations on fostering digitally literate societies. 

Lie Detectors is a Supportive Partner of eTwinning. Classroom workshops are available in English, French, German and Polish and – in Luxembourg – in Luxembourgish.