The Smart-e game is a game in which youngsters learn certain digital skills in a fun way. They discover how to create a secure password, how to recognise phishing messages, what a catfish is and they learn more about fake news. The game was developed by Mediawijs (in collaboration with Link in de Kabel) to strengthen the media literacy skills of youngsters. The game was developed primarily for youngsters in vulnerable situations but has also been tested and approved by a larger group of youngsters.
What is covered
The Smart-e game consists of four games, each offered as an app. Each app can be played separately.
- In the Pear Store app, youngsters learn the basics of safe online banking.
- In the Mail app, pupils discover how to recognise phishing messages.
- In the News app, youngsters learn to critically look at news reports and become a fake news expert.
- In the Fakestagram app, pupils switch profiles and become a catfish. The others have to figure out how to spot these catfishes.
How to use it
Playing Smart-e takes 1 to 1.5 hours on average. The difference in time depends mainly on the discussion after completing each game. The game takes about 2 hours if there is a language barrier or if the group’s digital skills are poor.
Guiding Smart-e requires the teacher to pay attention to the group, but also to the technical aspect of organising the game. Therefore, it can be interesting to guide the game with 2 people.
As a guide, it is best to use a computer. Players can get started with a tablet or computer. A smartphone also works, but then you have to turn the screen horizontally. A (strong) internet connection is necessary to play the game.
What you need
Download the practical manual (Dutch only)
Download the theoretical manual (Dutch only)