Social media users shared a photo claiming to show that a senior US military commander was among captives when Ukrainian soldiers defending the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol surrendered to Russian troops in May. But the claim is false; retired Admiral Eric Olson confirmed to AFP that he was not in Ukraine, and the photo appeared in Russian media a month before the surrender.
2022 May
“Fun Fact: Airlines in Spain and Russia are warning COViD vaccinated people not to fly due to the increased risk of blood clots” reads a tweetby an Australia-based user on May 8.
Copyright RTL / CLT-UFA S.A. Author(s): RTL Lëtzebuerg © RTL Grafik Every now and again, a news story about an…
“Below are images of the Arctic Sea Ice from May 13, 1989 and May 13, 2022, courtesy of the satellites monitored by the National Sea Ice Data Center. See a difference worth losing sleep? Neither do I,” says the postdated May 14.
The misleading claim was shared in a Facebookpost dated April 12, 2022.
“New Study: Arctic Was Much Warmer 6000 Years Ago… 90% Of Glaciers, Ice Caps Smaller Than Present Or Absent!” says the headline of an April 11, 2022 articleon Watts Up with That?, a website that features content describing the idea that humans are causing global warming as a lie, and saying climate science is being misrepresented and exaggeratedto cause panic.
Flight simulation fans frequently record their screens and share dramatic crashes or near-crashes on YouTube or other platforms. But viewers might not always know the context and could believe they are watching real events.