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Das Video einer Überschwemmung in der Madrider U-Bahn stammt aus dem Jahr 2017, nicht 2023

Das Video einer Überschwemmung in der Madrider U-Bahn stammt aus dem Jahr 2017, nicht 2023 - Featured image

Author(s): Adria LABORDA / AFP Deutschland / AFP Spanien

Ein Video eines heftigen Wasserstroms, der 2017 eine Metrostation in Madrid überschwemmte, wurde mit der Behauptung geteilt, es zeige die Auswirkungen des Sturms in der spanischen Hauptstadt im Jahr 2023. Eine umgekehrte Bildsuche ergab jedoch denselben Beitrag, der sechs Jahre zuvor nach einem Unwetter in sozialen Netzwerken veröffentlicht worden war.

“Es gibt Tote, und die Madrider Metro sieht so aus, und dann sind da rechte Politikerinnen und Politiker, die lügen und die #AEMET der Schwarzmalerei beschuldigen”, heißt es in einem Beitrag des Politologen Juan Carlos Monedero, Mitgründer der spanischen linkspopulistischen Partei Podemos, auf X, ehemals Twitter.

Monedero ‘s post was also shared on Facebook . It includes a 13-second video that shows a stream of water pouring from the platform onto the subway tracks. The description reads: “Madrid 4/9/2023 00:40h”. The recordings also circulated on Tiktok .

X-Screenshot of claim: September 6, 2023

During the first weekend of September 2023, Spain was hit by torrential rain and severe weather caused by the meteorological phenomenon ” Dana “. Dana is the acronym of Depresión Aislada a Niveles Altos, which means “isolated low in high layers.” The storm mainly affected the regions of Madrid and Castile-La Mancha, where heavy rain fell on the night of September 3, 2023.

The rains meant that rail traffic had to be suspended in several regions, particularly between Madrid and Andalusia and on the Mediterranean coast. In the Spanish capital, several subway lines had to be temporarily closed due to the bad weather. Spanish media published footage of floods taken by those affected.

A reverse image search using the InVid-WeVerify tool for still images of key scenes from the widespread sequence in which water pours from the platform onto the tracks revealed a video posted on YouTube on July 7, 2017 on the channel of the Spanish daily newspaper “El País” has been published. “A construction worker uses his cell phone to record the effects of the rain at Marqués de Vadillo station, closed for renovations on Line 5 of the Madrid Metro,” the description reads. The Spanish television station La Sexta also broadcast footage of the storm in 2017.

The results also included an article from the Spanish news agency Europa Press from 2017. The text shares a still from the video and reports on the work in the metro and the storm.

Conclusion: The distributed video does not show the effects of the Dana storm from the beginning of September 2023. The recordings were taken during a severe storm in Madrid in 2017. This resulted in a reverse image search using still images of key scenes in the video.

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